[Note the OP's question (but not title) appears to have changed to a rather specialised question ("...the average of a SEQUENCE of angles where each successive addition does not differ from the running mean by more than a specified amount." ) - see @MaR comment and mine. My following answer addresses the OP's title and the bulk of the discussion and answers related to it.]
This is not a question of logic or intuition, but of definition. This has been discussed on SO before without any real consensus. Angles should be defined within a range (which might be -PI to +PI, or 0 to 2*PI or might be -Inf to +Inf. The answers will be different in each case.
The word "angle" causes confusion as it means different things. The angle of view is an unsigned quantity (and is normally PI > theta > 0. In that cases "normal" averages might be useful. Angle of rotation (e.g. total rotation if an ice skater) might or might not be signed and might include theta > 2PI and theta < -2PI.
What is defined here is angle = direction whihch requires vectors. If you use the word "direction" instead of "angle" you will have captured the OP's (apparent original) intention and it will help to move away from scalar quantities.
Wikipedia shows the correct approach when angles are defined circularly such that
theta = theta+2*PI*N = theta-2*PI*N
The answer for the mean is NOT a scalar but a vector. The OP may not feel this is intuitive but it is the only useful correct approach. We cannot redefine the square root of -4 to be -2 because it's more initutive - it has to be +-2*i. Similarly the average of bearings -90 degrees and +90 degrees is a vector of zero length, not 0.0 degrees.
Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_of_circular_quantities) has a special section and states (The equations are LaTeX and can be seen rendered in Wikipedia):
Most of the usual means fail on
circular quantities, like angles,
daytimes, fractional parts of real
numbers. For those quantities you need
a mean of circular quantities.
Since the arithmetic mean is not
effective for angles, the following
method can be used to obtain both a
mean value and measure for the
variance of the angles:
Convert all angles to corresponding
points on the unit circle, e.g., α to
(cosα,sinα). That is convert polar
coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.
Then compute the arithmetic mean of
these points. The resulting point will
lie on the unit disk. Convert that
point back to polar coordinates. The
angle is a reasonable mean of the
input angles. The resulting radius
will be 1 if all angles are equal. If
the angles are uniformly distributed
on the circle, then the resulting
radius will be 0, and there is no
circular mean. In other words, the
radius measures the concentration of
the angles.
Given the angles
\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n the mean is
computed by
M \alpha = \operatorname{atan2}\left(\frac{1}{n}\cdot\sum_{j=1}^n
using the atan2 variant of the
arctangent function, or
M \alpha = \arg\left(\frac{1}{n}\cdot\sum_{j=1}^n
using complex numbers.
Note that in the OP's question an angle of 0 is purely arbitrary - there is nothing special about wind coming from 0 as opposed to 180 (except in this hemisphere it's colder on the bicycle). Try changing 0,0,90 to 289, 289, 379 and see how the simple arithmetic no longer works.
(There are some distributions where angles of 0 and PI have special significance but they are not in scope here).
Here are some intense previous discussions which mirror the current spread of views :-)
How do you calculate the average of a set of circular data?
average(0, 0, 90) = 30
andaverage(0, 200) ≠ 100
– Cullum