I have one more question based on my previous discussion thread of localized strings. Here is the link: How to do automated UI testing for system button on XCode7?
Now if I switch the iOS system language to another one, I can't get the localized string since it's in different bundle. I found another thread is talking about this: Can't get access to string localizations in UI Test (Xcode 7)
It works good if I copy all of localized strings from target app to UI tests. But for those strings in XIBs or storyboards they are using Object ID to represent a message, it's meaningless and not readable. How to make Object ID human-readable?
So I have to convert it first to know what it's originally before using NSLocalizedString:
NSLocalizedString("Help", bundle: NSBundle(forClass: AClassInYourUITests.self), comment: "")
Is there any easy way to resolve this issue within Xcode? If possible I wouldn't like to use these meaningless string in my code, it's difficult to know what it's. Or I have to write a script to handle this?
To be more precise, let's have an example. Some of my localized strings in storyboard of target app are:
"U2v-M1-HYu.text" = "ヘルプ";
"eTC-Zg-zHl.headerTitle" = "完了";
If I want to do the UI tests for different languages, I can't just copy it to the UI test bundle. I need to convert it first like this:
"Help" = "ヘルプ";
"Done" = "完了";
Any suggestions are welcome.