I am preparing an historical book manuscript, written in R-Markdown with Bookdown, which will have 8 chapters, each with 100+ Chicago-style endnotes, using the GitBook-style web format.
My goal is to restart endnote numbering after each chapter, to avoid running into high digits and to resemble the appearance of traditional history books.
I have experimented with most of the settings described here (https://bookdown.org/yihui/bookdown/html.html#gitbook-style), but cannot produce the desired web output. Here's the relevant portion of my index.Rmd:
dev: svglite
css: css/style.css
split_by: rmd
split_bib: true
See my simplified mockup demo: https://jackdougherty.github.io/bookdown-test/book/ and source code: https://github.com/JackDougherty/bookdown-test