I have a List showing CoreData FetchedResults. I would like to implement the possibility to move row and at the same time update the order attribute of the entity. FetchedResults is not an array so I cannot use the move property of Array. This is how I've implemented this but is not working very well.
func move(fromOffsets: IndexSet, toOffset: Int) {
var orders: [Int16] = Array(1...Int16(myEntities.count))
orders.move(fromOffsets: fromOffsets, toOffset: toOffset)
for (entity, order) in zip(myEntities, orders) {
entity.order = order
In my code I get an array of the current order, I perform the move and then I reassign them.
I think the best option would be to create a custom move property for Collection where Element: MyEntity, Index == Int
Any idea?
To recreate scenario you can easily start new SwiftUI Master-Detail project with CoreData option selected, then just add the order attribute to the entity
(Remember to sort the @FetchRequest
with NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \MyEntity.order, ascending: true)]