It seems I'm kind of late :), but the discussion is pretty interesting so.. here it goes... Assuming you want to build a error handler, and you're using your own exception handler class like:
function errorHandler(error){
this.errorMessage = error;
errorHandler.prototype. displayErrors = function(){
throw new Error(this.errorMessage);
And you're wrapping your code like this:
throw new errorHandler('Some Error Message');
Most probably you'll have the error handler in a separate .js file.
You'll notice that in firefox or chrome's error console the code line number(and file name) showed is the line(file) that throws the 'Error' exception and not the 'errorHandler' exception wich you really want in order to make debugging easy. Throwing your own exceptions is great but on large projects locating them can be quite an issue, especially if they have similar messages. So, what you can do is to pass a reference to an actual empty Error object to your error handler, and that reference will hold all the information you want( for example in firefox you can get the file name, and line number etc.. ; in chrome you get something similar if you read the 'stack' property of the Error instance).
Long story short , you can do something like this:
function errorHandler(error, errorInstance){
this.errorMessage = error;
this. errorInstance = errorInstance;
errorHandler.prototype. displayErrors = function(){
//add the empty error trace to your message
this.errorMessage += ' stack trace: '+ this. errorInstance.stack;
throw new Error(this.errorMessage);
throw new errorHandler('Some Error Message', new Error());
Now you can get the actual file and line number that throwed you custom exception.