I'm new to opengl programing. I'm currently making animation of cave shaft formation. I have a set of coordinats for profiles of the shaft along the z-axis. My plan is to make a 3d mesh from this data and to do that I've decieded to use TRIANGLE_STRIPS. The way I did this was that I've created multiple strips like this:
11----12 5------6 | / | | / | | / | | / | 9-----10 3------4 | / | | / | | / | | / | 7------8 1------2
My questions are:
Is this the right way to do it? Because now I have problems with normals. I would like to use GL_SMOOTH shading and for that as I understand I need to calculate normals of vertices? But in my cas vertex 10 and 3 are the same so there would be two normals??? Is that a problem? And is there any other way to create multiple strips?
And is there any other way to create multiple strips? Or the solution with strips is maybe not the best one?
Another problem is, that this strips are not of equal length. Some are shorter then others. Thank you for your help :)