Your code isn't working because the int 0x13
BIOS call is returning a 0x80 status code (timeout). This is because you are doing the disk read BIOS call inside an interrupt handler (ISR).
When the CPU transfers control to your ISR in real mode it clears the IF flag. This causes the CPU to ignore maskable external interrupts. Even if you were to enable interrupts with STI
you won't get any more interrupts sent from the PICs that are of lower or equal priority to the current interrupt. In essence IRQ0 (higher priority interrupt than IRQ1) is the only interrupt you could get until you send an EOI. You won't get the floppy disk controller interrupts that the BIOS call needs to properly complete a request. This is likely the cause of the timeout.
The best idea for doing ISRs is to limit them to doing the bare minimum and do it in the least amount of time possible. You should avoid making other BIOS calls from your ISR unless you know what you are doing.
In a keyboard ISR you can read keystrokes into a buffer and defer processing them until later. A ring buffer is often used by kernels for handling keyboard data. Once the character is read into the buffer you can send the EOI and exit your ISR. Replace the JMP $
that is your kernel's main loop with a loop that processes the keys stored by the keyboard ISR. You can then take whatever actions are appropriate. You could replace your JMP $
with something like:
hlt ; Halt processor until next interrupt occurs
[check for characters in the keyboard buffer and process them as needed]
jmp main_loop
Since this is done outside an ISR you are not constrained by the issues you had running inside an ISR.
An example implementation of an interrupt safe lockless ring buffer that can work with one consumer and producer is shown below. The example has a keyboard ISR that takes each scancode and places it into a buffer if the buffer isn't full. The main loop checks each iteration if there is a scancode available (buffer isn't empty). If one is available it is translated to ASCII and printed to the console.
KBD_BUFSIZE equ 32 ; Keyboard Buffer length. **Must** be a power of 2
; Maximum buffer size is 2^15 (32768)
KBD_IVT_OFFSET equ 0x0024 ; Base address of keyboard interrupt (IRQ) in IVT
bits 16
org 0x7c00
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax ; DS=0 since we use an ORG of 0x7c00.
; 0x0000<<4+0x7C00=0x07C00
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0x7c00 ; SS:SP stack pointer set below bootloader
cli ; Don't want to be interrupted when updating IVT
mov word [KBD_IVT_OFFSET], kbd_isr
; 0x0000:0x0024 = IRQ1 offset in IVT
mov [KBD_IVT_OFFSET+2], ax ; 0x0000:0x0026 = IRQ1 segment in IVT
sti ; Enable interrupts
mov ax, 0xb800
mov es, ax ; Set ES to text mode segment (page 0)
xor di, di ; DI screen offset = 0 (upper left)
mov ah, 0x1F ; AH = White on Blue screen attribute
mov bx, keyboard_map ; BX = address of translate table used by XLAT
cld ; String instructions set to forward direction
hlt ; Halt processor until next interrupt
mov si, [kbd_read_pos]
cmp si, [kbd_write_pos]
je .main_loop ; If (read_pos == write_pos) then buffer empty and
; we're finished
lea cx, [si+1] ; Index of next read (tmp = read_pos + 1)
and si, KBD_BUFSIZE-1 ; Normalize read_pos to be within 0 to KBD_BUFSIZE
mov al, [kbd_buffer+si] ; Get next scancode
mov [kbd_read_pos], cx ; read_pos++ (read_pos = tmp)
test al, 0x80 ; Is scancode a key up event?
jne .main_loop ; If so we are finished
xlat ; Translate scancode to ASCII character
test al, al
je .main_loop ; If character to print is NUL we are finished
stosw ; Display character on console in white on blue
jmp .main_loop
; Keyboard ISR (IRQ1)
push ax ; Save all registers we modify
push si
push cx
in al, 0x60 ; Get keystroke
mov cx, [cs:kbd_write_pos]
mov si, cx
sub cx, [cs:kbd_read_pos]
cmp cx, KBD_BUFSIZE ; If (write_pos-read_pos)==KBD_BUFSIZE then buffer full
je .end ; If buffer full throw char away, we're finished
lea cx, [si+1] ; Index of next write (tmp = write_pos + 1)
and si, KBD_BUFSIZE-1 ; Normalize write_pos to be within 0 to KBD_BUFSIZE
mov [cs:kbd_buffer+si], al ; Save character to buffer
mov [cs:kbd_write_pos], cx ; write_pos++ (write_pos = tmp)
mov al, 0x20
out 0x20, al ; Send EOI to Master PIC
pop cx ; Restore all registers modified
pop si
pop ax
align 2
kbd_read_pos: dw 0
kbd_write_pos: dw 0
kbd_buffer: times KBD_BUFSIZE db 0
; Scancode to ASCII character translation table
db 0, 27, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8' ; 9
db '9', '0', '-', '=', 0x08 ; Backspace
db 0x09 ; Tab
db 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r' ; 19
db 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p', '[', ']', 0x0a ; Enter key
db 0 ; 29 - Control
db 'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', ';' ; 39
db "'", '`', 0 ; Left shift
db "\", 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v', 'b', 'n' ; 49
db 'm', ',', '.', '/', 0 ; Right shift
db '*'
db 0 ; Alt
db ' ' ; Space bar
db 0 ; Caps lock
db 0 ; 59 - F1 key ... >
db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
db 0 ; < ... F10
db 0 ; 69 - Num lock
db 0 ; Scroll Lock
db 0 ; Home key
db 0 ; Up Arrow
db 0 ; Page Up
db '-'
db 0 ; Left Arrow
db 0
db 0 ; Right Arrow
db '+'
db 0 ; 79 - End key
db 0 ; Down Arrow
db 0 ; Page Down
db 0 ; Insert Key
db 0 ; Delete Key
db 0, 0, 0
db 0 ; F11 Key
db 0 ; F12 Key
times 128 - ($-keyboard_map) db 0 ; All other keys are undefined
times 510 - ($-$$) db 0 ; Boot signature
dw 0xAA55
Note: This implementation is a demonstration. A real OS would likely have a queue of events that the main loop would check for. The ISRs would push an event into a queue, and the main loop would pop each off and process them. The demonstration is inefficient since it is always checking for scancodes in the buffer whether a keyboard event occurred or not.
The code is based on a ring buffer implementation that would look like this in pseudo-code:
buffer[BUFSIZE]; /* BUFSIZE has to be power of 2 and be <= 32768 */
uint16_t read_pos = 0;
uint16_t write_pos = 0;
normalize(val) { return val & (BUFSIZE - 1); }
saveelement(val) { buffer[normalize(write_pos++)] = val; }
getelement() { return buffer[normalize(read_pos++)]; }
numelements() { return write_pos - read_pos; }
isfull() { return numelements() == BUFSIZE; }
isempty() { return write_pos == read_pos; }
Before using saveelement
you must call isfull
to make sure the buffer isn't full. Before using getelement
you must call isempty
to make sure there is a value to read.
mov dl, [device_number]
. I'd verify in BOCHs just prior toint 0x13
that DL has the correct value (should be zero if it is floppy disk A). If you saved [device_number] in memory with a differnt DS segment than the DS segment you ar eusing ith this code then the read will be from the wrong memory address. – Extremelyint 0x13
from within an interrupt handler. Since you haven't sent an EOI you will not receive any lower priority interrupts (or future keyboard interrupts) until that EOI is sent. That means disk interrupts won't arrive which probably causes the problem.Probably a very bad idea for your keyboard interrupt to being disk reads. – Extremely