I'm looking to maximise the number of stars
given a certain budget
and max limit on the combination...
Example question:
With a budget of 500 euro, visiting only the maximum allowed restaurants or less, dine and collect the most stars possible.
I'm looking to write an efficient algorithm, that could potentially process 1 million Restaurant
instances for up to 10 maxRestaurants
Can anyone help attempt the problem?
Note: This is not homework. I intentionally left the attempt empty as I don't want to influence the efficiency of the solution
public class Restaurant {
double cost;
int stars;
public Restaurant(double cost, int stars) {
this.cost = cost;
this.stars = stars;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Restaurant r1 = new Restaurant(100.0, 5);
Restaurant r2 = new Restaurant(20.0, 1);
Restaurant r3 = new Restaurant(75.0, 3);
Restaurant r4 = new Restaurant(125.0, 4);
Restaurant r5 = new Restaurant(60.0, 2);
Restaurant r6 = new Restaurant(80.0, 4);
Restaurant r7 = new Restaurant(40.0, 1);
Restaurant r8 = new Restaurant(200.0, 3);
Restaurant r9 = new Restaurant(120.0, 3);
Restaurant r10 = new Restaurant(50.0, 2);
List<Restaurant> restaurants =
Arrays.asList(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10);
double budget;
int maxRestaurants;
budget = 500.0;
maxRestaurants = 1;
// { r1 } -- 5 stars
budget = 200;
maxRestaurants = 2;
// { r1, r6 } -- 9 stars
budget = 500;
maxRestaurants = 5;
// { r1, r4, r6, r3, r9 } -- 19 stars
budget = 200;
maxRestaurants = 10;
// { r1, r6, r2 } -- 10 stars
order and use them in your result that order, if under the budget – Lacielacing