With styleColorBar
, how can I get size of the color bar to be proportional to the absolute value of a column? In contrast to this, in the example below, looking at the cyl
column, the red bar is larger for greater values.
data <- head(mtcars[,1:4])
data[,2] <- -data[,2]
out <- datatable(data, rownames = FALSE) %>%
background = styleColorBar(data$mpg, 'lightblue'),
backgroundSize = '95% 50%',
backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
backgroundPosition = 'right') %>%
background = styleColorBar(data$cyl, 'red'),
backgroundSize = '95% 50%',
backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
backgroundPosition = 'right')
Result: I am aware that very similar questions have been answered here and there.
But both examples seem more intricate than mine. The former deals with formatting a column based on another column. The latter has the direction of the color bar depend on the sign. I thought that perhaps a simpler trick exists for my case...
Thank you