I'm starting a new Angular 6 project (and I'm new to Angular as well ^^) so I am pretty free about the choices. When coming to Internalization, we chose to use Angular native I18n after reading:
The fact that translations cannot be used out of template files can be fixed by some workaround at our stage
XLIFF learning curve hit me with the question of XLIFF 1.2 vs XLIFF 2. After reading the differences between XLIFF 1.2 and XLIFF 2, it seems that XLIFF 2 solved a lot of issues and is more future-proof than XLIFF 1.2 which is now a legacy format according to Wikipedia
Consequently, why Angular is focused on XLIFF 1.2 instead of XLIFF 2? I noticed that:
- The official Angular I18n uses XLIFF 1.2
- Most of web resources (like on Medium) use XLIFF 1.2
- It's pretty hard to find some free translation tools compatible with XLIFF 2 (I got error when importing XLIFF 2 file on SmartCat and I struggled with Rainbox/Okapi framework)
- It's also pretty hard to find help on XLIFF 2 (like how do I do the ICU stuff?), at least for a beginner
As for our project, we started on XLIFF 2 but I'm strongly tempted to switch to XLIFF 1.2
option: angular.io/cli/extract-i18n – Entitle