This question may have already been answered but I've been unable to find the proper response. I'm trying to turn toggle a debug switch when the F12 key is pressed in a form. I'm unable to use the onkeydown event since I would have to setup a separate function for each field along with the form. So I've researched and found the SetWindowsHookEx function to set a keyboard hook. This working well except I'm getting two indications the F12 key has been press each time it is pressed:
2014/05/21 14:16:43.334
Code: 0
Key: 123
KeyStroke: 5767169
KeyStroke to Hex: 00580001
2014/05/21 14:16:43.446
Code: 0
Key: 123
KeyStroke: -1067974655
KeyStroke to Hex: C0580001 Note: this should be the keystroke that reflects KEYDOWN
I see the Keystroke is a possible method to check for keydown (WM_KEYDOWN $0100). My question is how do I test Keystroke for WM_KEYDOWN?
Here is my callback function:
function KeyboardHookProc(Code: Integer; Key: Word; KeyStroke: LongInt) : LongInt;
Result := 0;
if Code = HC_NOREMOVE then exit;
Result := CallNextHookEx(FkbHook, Code,Key,KeyStroke);
if Code < 0 then exit;
if (KeyStroke and WM_KEYDOWN) = 0 then { this is where I need to test but this doesn't work! }
if Code = HC_ACTION then
case Key of
vk_F12: begin
TKPMF.Memo1.Lines.Add(FormatDatetime('yyyy/mm/dd hh:nn:ss.zzz',now));
TKPMF.Memo1.Lines.Add('Code: ' + IntToStr(Code));
TKPMF.Memo1.Lines.Add('Key: ' + IntToStr(Key));
TKPMF.Memo1.Lines.Add('KeyStroke: ' + IntToStr(KeyStroke));
TKPMF.Memo1.Lines.Add('KeyStroke to Hex: ' + LongToHex(KeyStroke));
end; {case}
events have existed since Delphi 1 and still exist in the VCLTForm
in XE6. – Keyser