A colleague and myself were debating over which way was less of a burden on the system resources. (Note: this is not the question I want an answer to. Rather the title and the line below in bold is the question I seek an answer for.)
1. Using KeyPreview to get the keypresses on a form.
2. Using defining an OnMessage procedure and handling it there.
At first glance it seems KeyPreview would be less of a system burden since defining an OnMessage procedure results in our program checking every message that comes in. Note messages we don't care about would cause it to jump out by the first if statement. That is at worst we would have an if statement executed for every message.
But we're wondering how Delphi deals with the KeyPreview property... We wonder if Delphi internally defines its own OnMessage and looks at the messages to then trigger the events that are related to keypresses.
If this is the case then would both approaches be about the same?