I am making a [edit: native WinRT] C++ Direct X DLL project for Windows Store apps based on the "Direct3D App" Visual Studio code sample.
This must be a separate DLL project from my Windows Store App project because I will be using my XAML UserControl with Direct X renderer inside it both in the Windows 8 Metro app and a Windows Phone version of the app.
I cannot reference the C++ project in the C# Windows Store app project. Visual Studio refuses with the following words:
A reference to <project-name> could not be added.
I've seen suggestions to compile the C++ project using the /clr flag, but this is not compatible with:
- the /ZW flag required by some API within the project
- the "wrl.h" header
- a multitude of other command-line flags in the project settings
So the /clr flag does not appear to be an option in this situation.
How can I reference the C++ project so that I can use my XAML Direct X renderer within the C# Windows Store App project? Or is there a better alternative?
Thanks in advance.