I'm absolutely stumped as well as my instructors/lab-assistants.
For some reason, the following HLSL code is returning this in the output window:
error X8000 : D3D11 Internal Compiler error : Invalid Bytecode: Invalid operand type for operand #1 of opcode #86 (counts are 1-based).
Here's the function in the HLSL causing the issue:
// Projects a sphere diameter large in screen space to calculate desired tesselation factor
float SphereToScreenSpaceTessellation(float3 p0, float3 p1, float diameter)
float3 centerPoint = (p0 + p1) * 0.5f;
float4 point0 = mul( float4(centerPoint,1.0f) , gTileWorldView);
float4 point1 = point0;
point1.x += diameter;
float4 point0ClipSpace = mul(point0, gTileProj);
float4 point1ClipSpace = mul(point1, gTileProj);
point0ClipSpace /= point0ClipSpace.w;
point1ClipSpace /= point1ClipSpace.w;
point0ClipSpace.xy *= gScreenSize;
point1ClipSpace.xy *= gScreenSize;
float projSizeOfEdge = distance(point0ClipSpace, point1ClipSpace);
float result = projSizeOfEdge / gTessellatedTriWidth;
return clamp(result, 0, 64);
I've narrowed it down to the point where it may be the "mul" intrinsic. We've taken everything out of the code and tried to return out a temporary variable like this, and it works fine:
float SphereToScreenSpaceTessellation(float3 p0, float3 p1, float diameter)
float temp = 0;
float3 centerPoint = (p0 + p1) * 0.5f;
float4 point0 = mul( float4(centerPoint,1.0f) , gTileWorldView);
float4 point1 = point0;
point1.x += diameter;
float4 point0ClipSpace = mul(point0, gTileProj);
float4 point1ClipSpace = mul(point1, gTileProj);
point0ClipSpace /= point0ClipSpace.w;
point1ClipSpace /= point1ClipSpace.w;
point0ClipSpace.xy *= gScreenSize;
point1ClipSpace.xy *= gScreenSize;
float projSizeOfEdge = distance(point0ClipSpace, point1ClipSpace);
float result = projSizeOfEdge / gTessellatedTriWidth;
return temp;
//return clamp(result, 0, 64);
If anyone is wondering:
gTileWorldView, gTileProj are float4x4's in a .hlsli file
gScreenSize is a float2 in a .hlsli file.
gTessellatedTriWidth is a float in a .hlsli file.
The following function is as states in a 2011 NVidia shader at : http://dx11-xpr.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/XPR/Media/Effects/TerrainTessellation.fx
I tried to copy and paste their solution replacing their variables with the one above, and the same error listed happens.
I'm absolutely stumped and I need assistance in order to do this assignment, please help.