The solution for storing different types is a tagged union
union Data {
int int_val;
double double_val;
struct point2D { int x, int y };
struct { int v3, int v2, int v1, int v0 }; // you can even use unnamed structs
// ...
struct StackElem {
Type type;
Data data;
In C++ it's even better to use std::variant
(or boost::variant
in older C++ standards), which might use a tagged union under the hood
However there's no need to use a single stack for all when using the reverse Polish notation. You can use a value stack and a separate operator stack. For every operator on the operator stack you pop the corresponding number of parameters from the value stack. That'll make things easier and save memory since you can use a small char
array for operators (unless you need more than 255 operators), and no memory wasted for saving the type
as well as the bigger-than-needed data
field in the struct like above. That means you don't need a type OPERATOR
in the Type
You can use a double
type stack for all numeric types because a double can contain all int
type's range without loss of precision. That's what implemented in Javascript and Lua. If the operator needs more than 1 parameter then just push/pop all of them just like what a compiler does when evaluating a function. You don't need to worry about int operations anymore, just do everything in double, unless there are specific int operators. But you may need different operators for different types, for example +
for double addition, p
or something like that for vector addition. However if you need 64-bit int then a separate integer type is needed
For example if you need to add 2 3D vectors, push 3 dimensions of the first vector, then the other. When you pop out a vector operator from the operator stack, pop 3 dimensions of the 2 vectors from value stack. After doing the math on it, push resulting 3 dimensions to stack. No need for a vector type.
If you don't want to store int
as double
then you can use NaN-boxing (or nunboxing/punboxing) like Firefox's JS engine, in which if the value is int then the upper 16 of 64 bits are 1s, otherwise it's double
(or pointer, which you probable wouldn't use). Another way is type tag in 3 lower bits in old FFJS engines. In this case it's a little bit complicated but you can use the same operator for every type. For more information about this read Using the extra 16 bits in 64-bit pointers
You can even use a byte array for storing all data types and read the correct number of bytes specified by the operator. For example if the operator indicated that the next operand must be an int, just read 4 bytes. If it's a string, read the 4 bytes of string length first then the string content from the stack. If it's a 2D point of int
read 4 bytes of x and 4 bytes of y. If it's a double read 8 bytes, etc. This is the most space efficient way, but obviously it must be traded by speed