I have objects which each have a separate parent for each rotation axis (1 for X-rotation, 1 for Y-rotation, and 1 for Z-rotation. They are all related to each other in that order as well: X-rotation object is a child of the Y-rotation object. Y-rotation object is a child of the Z-rotation object).
I'm trying to make a feature which allows users to rotate all objects in the scene together (they are all contained in a single Object3D). When that Object3D is rotated, the program must find all of the objects' absolute positions and rotations relative to the world so that the program can output the new values for each object.
To do this, I currently have it setup to move the object so that its position inside the "scene-rotator", which is an Object3D, is set to its absolute position relative to the world. Now, I'm trying to make the rotation of the object become the absolute rotation of the object relative to the world, so that it changes accordingly when the "scene-rotator"'s rotation is changed. Also, the setFromRotationMatrix method was not working correctly when I tried just running it once on the child object, so instead, I had to run it again for each parent object and get each separate rotation from them accordingly
This is the code that I currently have which is supposed to get the absolute rotation of the object relative to the world:
var beforeRotForX = new THREE.Euler();
beforeRotForX.setFromRotationMatrix(objects[i].parent.matrixWorld, "ZYX");
var beforeRotForY = new THREE.Euler(); // Had to be a separate one for some reason...
beforeRotForY.setFromRotationMatrix(objects[i].parent.parent.matrixWorld, "ZYX");
var beforeRotForZ = new THREE.Euler(); // And apparently this one has to be separate too
beforeRotForZ.setFromRotationMatrix(objects[i].parent.parent.parent.matrixWorld, "ZYX");
// Absolute before rotation
objects[i].userData.sceneBeforeRotAbs = {
x: beforeRotForX.x,
y: beforeRotForY.y,
z: beforeRotForZ.z
Then, it must apply that absolute rotation to the relative rotation of the object
objects[i].parent.rotation.x = objects[i].userData.sceneBeforeRotAbs.x;
objects[i].parent.parent.rotation.y = objects[i].userData.sceneBeforeRotAbs.y;
objects[i].parent.parent.parent.rotation.z = objects[i].userData.sceneBeforeRotAbs.z;
This all works fine when the Y-rotation of the second parent is within -90 through 90
// Results of absolute world rotation when the Y-rotation of the
// second parent is set to 90 degrees (1.5707... as euler)
objects[i].userData.sceneBeforeRotAbs.x === 0
objects[i].userData.sceneBeforeRotAbs.y === 1.5707963267948966
objects[i].userData.sceneBeforeRotAbs.z === 0
but when the Y-rotation of the second parent is below -90 or greater than 90, then it gives the wrong value for the absolute world X-rotation and Y-rotation as a result
// Results of absolute world rotation when the Y-rotation of the
// second parent is set to 91 degrees (1.5882... as euler)
objects[i].userData.sceneBeforeRotAbs.x === 3.141592653589793
objects[i].userData.sceneBeforeRotAbs.y === 1.5533438924131038
objects[i].userData.sceneBeforeRotAbs.z === 0