I want to pass authentication information to EJB stateless session beans when calling their methods from a Java web application (Wicket). The information consists of a user id and an authentication type (remember cookie or user/password) and is stored in the http session. One obvious solution is to add this as a parameter to all EJB methods, but this is cumbersome and I hope another solution exists.
The JNDI lookup of EJB beans is done via javax.naming.InitialContext#lookup(String) in the web tier.
Is there a portable way to add the authentication information to a calling context so it becomes available to the beans? I need this process to be available for callers both in the EJB layer (for an eventual web service endpoint) and in the web tier.
Some more information
I am using Java EE 6. CDI is not used and I would rather avoid implementing it.
Authentication is handled by the web tier with stateless beans validating remember cookies and user/password combinations. When a visitor first accesses the site, authentication with the remember cookie is tried. When eventually required, the user is asked to login with a username and password. As mentioned above, the authentication status is stored in the http session. I don’t use the Java EE security model based on realms because I couldn’t figure out how this authentication flow could be properly integrated.
The authorization scheme is based on dynamic roles similar to how Facebook determines authorization based on the link between 2 users and some preferences. Some actions also take into account the authentication type. For instance, modifying account settings requires user/password and the cookie is not enough. From what I understood, the Java EE standard groups and roles are not a good fit for this requirement.
Other related questions I found
EJB3 & How JAAS subject/principal is propagated to EJB Tier from servlet container?
Controlling the security Principle passed on a EJB call
Binding a User entity and a GlassFish Principal
Accessing the clients principal inside an ejb method
dynamic roles on a Java EE server
I hope my question is clear enough. If more information is required, I will gladly provide it.
Fixed links. Add note about CDI.