This is a slightly longer code, but maybe will help someone.
It uses vectors and create a stroke on each side of the line connecting two points.
def make_vector(pointA,pointB): #vector between two points
x1,y1,x2,y2 = pointA[0],pointA[1],pointB[0],pointB[1]
x,y = x2-x1,y2-y1
return x,y
def normalize_vector(vector): #sel explanatory
x, y = vector[0], vector[1]
u = math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
return x / u, y / u
return 0,0
def perp_vectorCL(vector): #creates a vector perpendicular to the first clockwise
x, y = vector[0], vector[1]
return y, -x
def perp_vectorCC(vector): #creates a vector perpendicular to the first counterclockwise
x, y = vector[0], vector[1]
return -y, x
def add_thickness(point,vector,thickness): #offsets a point by the vector
return point[0] + vector[0] * thickness, point[1] + vector[1] * thickness
def draw_line(surface,fill,thickness, start,end): #all draw instructions
x,y = make_vector(start,end)
x,y = normalize_vector((x,y))
sx1,sy1 = add_thickness(start,perp_vectorCC((x,y)),thickness//2)
ex1,ey1 = add_thickness(end,perp_vectorCC((x,y)),thickness//2)
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, (start, end, (ex1, ey1), (sx1, sy1)), fill)
sx2, sy2 = add_thickness(start, perp_vectorCL((x, y)), thickness // 2)
ex2, ey2 = add_thickness(end, perp_vectorCL((x, y)), thickness//2)
pygame.gfxdraw.aapolygon(surface, (start, end, (ex2, ey2), (sx2, sy2)), fill)
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, (start, end, (ex2, ey2), (sx2, sy2)), fill)
to draw it. – Lilybel