The other answers saying that you cannot use interrupts in Windows are quite wrong. If you really want, you can (that's not recommended). At least on 32-bit x86 Windows there's the legacy int 2Eh
-based interface for system calls. See e.g. this page for a bit of discussion of system call mechanisms on x86 and x86_64 Windows.
Here's a very simple example (compiled with FASM) of a program, which immediately exits on Windows 7 using int 0x2e
(and crashes on most other versions):
format PE
entry $
; First call terminates all threads except caller thread, see for details:
mov eax, NtTerminateProcess_Wind7
mov edx, terminateParams
int 0x2e
; Second call terminates current process
mov eax, NtTerminateProcess_Wind7
mov edx, terminateParams
int 0x2e
ud2 ; crash if we failed to terminate
dd 0, 0 ; processHandle, exitStatus
Do note though, that this is an unsupported way of using Windows: the system call numbers are changing quite often and in general can't be relied on. On this page you can see that e.g. NtCreateFile
on Windows XP calls system call number 0x25
, while already on Windows Server 2003 this number corresponds to NtCreateEvent
, and on Vista it's NtAlpcRevokeSecurityContext
The supported (albeit not much documented) way of doing the system calls is through the functions of the Native API library, ntdll.dll
But even if you use the Native API, "printing things" is still very version-dependent. Namely, if you have a redirect to file, you must use NtWriteFile
, but when writing to a true console window, you have to use LPC, where the target process depends on Windows version.