I am developing an application that requires me to use text to speech in the web browser. I am using the HTML5 Speech Synthesis for it. On Google Chrome the code runs fine, with all the available voices being listed using |getVoices()|, but in Firefox no voice is listed at all. I am testing my code on Firefox 56.0 (Ubuntu).
On searching over the internet, I did come across a StackOverflow answer that suggested that the getVoices() function should be called after the |onVoiceChanged| event
window.speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = function() {
I am invoking the call in the above mentioned manner and it works as desired in Chrome, but not on Firefox.
Another StackOverflow answer suggested that I enable the |media.webspeech.synth.enabled| in about:config of Firefox, but in my Firefox the preference |media.webspeech.synth.enabled| is already set to true.
I checked the MDN documentation https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SpeechSynthesis/getVoices and the example on this page does not run for me in Firefox, but runs fine in Chrome. I found that CanIUse.com lists that SpeechSynthesis as supported in Firefox 55 onwards, but it does not work for me.
Also The demo by Mozilla Developer Network to demonstrate the Speech Synthesis fails to work on my Firefox, but runs fine on Google Chrome. I have extensively searched online for a solution but could not find one. Can someone please point me in the right direction here.
outside ofonvoiceschanged
event handler? – Ejective