I'm trying to build an application that solves a puzzle (trying to develop a graph algorithm), and I don't want to enter sample input by hand all the time.
Edit: I'm not trying to build a game. I'm trying to build an agent which plays the game "SpellSeeker"
Say I have an image (see attachment) on the screen with numbers in it, and I know the locations of the boxes, and I have the exact images for these numbers. What I want to do is simply tell which image (number) is on the corresponding box.
So I guess I need to implement
bool isImageInsideImage(Bitmap numberImage,Bitmap Portion_Of_ScreenCap)
or something like that.
What I've tried is (using AForge libraries)
public static bool Contains(this Bitmap template, Bitmap bmp)
const Int32 divisor = 4;
const Int32 epsilon = 10;
ExhaustiveTemplateMatching etm = new ExhaustiveTemplateMatching(0.9f);
TemplateMatch[] tm = etm.ProcessImage(
new ResizeNearestNeighbor(template.Width / divisor, template.Height / divisor).Apply(template),
new ResizeNearestNeighbor(bmp.Width / divisor, bmp.Height / divisor).Apply(bmp)
if (tm.Length == 1)
Rectangle tempRect = tm[0].Rectangle;
if (Math.Abs(bmp.Width / divisor - tempRect.Width) < epsilon
Math.Abs(bmp.Height / divisor - tempRect.Height) < epsilon)
return true;
return false;
But it returns false when searching for a black dot in this image.
How can I implement this?