From the quickstart sb-admin-angular, I am trying to run the tests, but I get the error unable to init ocLazyLoad
. (This is a Windows7 machine.)
The command I use to run the tests is:
$ grunt test --force
I understand from this thread that I must make sure that the path to the ocLazyLoad script is added in karma.conf.js
files: [
I have also tried using Bower to reinstall ocLacyLoad, as suggested in the aforementioned thread. I was given a choice of versions and selected the first option:
Unable to find a suitable version for oclazyload, please choose one:
1) oclazyload#~0.5.2 which resolved to 0.5.2 and is required by sb-admin
2) oclazyload#^1.0.9 which resolved to 1.0.9
What step am I missing or corrupting here, please?