Capture screenshot of fullscreen DX11 program using SharpDX and EasyHook
Asked Answered



Before anybody mentions it, I refered to this link to find out how I needed to copy the backbuffer to a bitmap.

Current situation

  • I am injected to the target process
  • Target process' FeatureLevel = Level_11_0
  • Target SwapChain is being made with DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_ALLOW_MODE_SWITCH flag.
  • SwapChain::Present function is hooked.
  • Screenshot turns out black and target process crashes. without screenshot process runs fine.

Desired situation

Make the screenshot properly and let the target process continue with its normal execution.


NOTE Hook class is the same as in the link. I only added an UnmodifiableHook version of it which does what its name says. I left out all unimportant bits.


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Test
    public sealed class TestSwapChainHook : IDisposable
        private enum IDXGISwapChainVirtualTable
            QueryInterface = 0,
            AddRef = 1,
            Release = 2,
            SetPrivateData = 3,
            SetPrivateDataInterface = 4,
            GetPrivateData = 5,
            GetParent = 6,
            GetDevice = 7,
            Present = 8,
            GetBuffer = 9,
            SetFullscreenState = 10,
            GetFullscreenState = 11,
            GetDesc = 12,
            ResizeBuffers = 13,
            ResizeTarget = 14,
            GetContainingOutput = 15,
            GetFrameStatistics = 16,
            GetLastPresentCount = 17,

        public static readonly int VIRTUAL_METHOD_COUNT_LEVEL_DEFAULT = 18;

        private static IntPtr[] SWAP_CHAIN_VIRTUAL_TABLE_ADDRESSES;

        [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
        public delegate int DXGISwapChainPresentDelegate(IntPtr thisPtr, uint syncInterval, SharpDX.DXGI.PresentFlags flags);

        public delegate int DXGISwapChainPresentHookDelegate(UnmodifiableHook<DXGISwapChainPresentDelegate> hook, IntPtr thisPtr, uint syncInterval, SharpDX.DXGI.PresentFlags flags);

        private DXGISwapChainPresentHookDelegate _present;
        private Hook<DXGISwapChainPresentDelegate> presentHook;

        static TestSwapChainHook()
            SharpDX.DXGI.Rational rational = new SharpDX.DXGI.Rational(60, 1);
            SharpDX.DXGI.ModeDescription modeDescription = new SharpDX.DXGI.ModeDescription(100, 100, rational, SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm);
            SharpDX.DXGI.SampleDescription sampleDescription = new SharpDX.DXGI.SampleDescription(1, 0);

            using (SharpDX.Windows.RenderForm renderForm = new SharpDX.Windows.RenderForm())
                SharpDX.DXGI.SwapChainDescription swapChainDescription = new SharpDX.DXGI.SwapChainDescription();
                swapChainDescription.BufferCount = 1;
                swapChainDescription.Flags = SharpDX.DXGI.SwapChainFlags.None;
                swapChainDescription.IsWindowed = true;
                swapChainDescription.ModeDescription = modeDescription;
                swapChainDescription.OutputHandle = renderForm.Handle;
                swapChainDescription.SampleDescription = sampleDescription;
                swapChainDescription.SwapEffect = SharpDX.DXGI.SwapEffect.Discard;
                swapChainDescription.Usage = SharpDX.DXGI.Usage.RenderTargetOutput;

                SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device device = null;
                SharpDX.DXGI.SwapChain swapChain = null;
                SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device.CreateWithSwapChain(SharpDX.Direct3D.DriverType.Hardware, SharpDX.Direct3D11.DeviceCreationFlags.BgraSupport, swapChainDescription, out device, out swapChain);
                    IntPtr swapChainVirtualTable = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(swapChain.NativePointer);

                    for (int x = 0; x < VIRTUAL_METHOD_COUNT_LEVEL_DEFAULT; x++)
                        SWAP_CHAIN_VIRTUAL_TABLE_ADDRESSES[x] = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(swapChainVirtualTable, x * IntPtr.Size);

                catch (Exception)
                    if (device != null)

                    if (swapChain != null)


        public TestSwapChainHook()
            this._present = null;

            this.presentHook = new Hook<DXGISwapChainPresentDelegate>(
                        new DXGISwapChainPresentDelegate(hookPresent),

        public void activate()

        public void deactivate()

        private int hookPresent(IntPtr thisPtr, uint syncInterval, SharpDX.DXGI.PresentFlags flags)
            lock (this.presentHook)
                if (this._present == null)
                    return this.presentHook.original(thisPtr, syncInterval, flags);
                    return this._present(new UnmodifiableHook<DXGISwapChainPresentDelegate>(this.presentHook), thisPtr, syncInterval, flags);

        public DXGISwapChainPresentHookDelegate present
                lock (this.presentHook)
                    return this._present;
                lock (this.presentHook)
                    this._present = value;

Using code


private TestSwapChain swapChainHook;
private bool capture = false;
private object captureLock = new object();

this.swapChainHook = new TestSwapChainHook();
this.swapChainHook.present = presentHook;


I used a different method to capture a screenshot described in this link. However my screenshot turns out like this:

Rainbow image

Now this seems to be a problem with my conversion settings or whatever but I'm unable to find out what exactly I need to do to fix it. I know that the surface I'm converting to a bitmap uses the DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM format (32-bits, 10 bits per color and 2 for alpha I think?). But I'm not sure how this even works in the for loops (skipping bytes and stuff). I just plain copy pasted it.

new hook function

private int presentHook(UnmodifiableHook<IDXGISwapChainHook.DXGISwapChainPresentDelegate> hook, IntPtr thisPtr, uint syncInterval, SharpDX.DXGI.PresentFlags flags)
        lock (this.captureLock)
            if (this.capture)
                SharpDX.DXGI.SwapChain swapChain = (SharpDX.DXGI.SwapChain)thisPtr;

                using (SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2D backBuffer = swapChain.GetBackBuffer<SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2D>(0))
                    SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2DDescription texture2DDescription = backBuffer.Description;
                    texture2DDescription.CpuAccessFlags = SharpDX.Direct3D11.CpuAccessFlags.Read;
                    texture2DDescription.Usage = SharpDX.Direct3D11.ResourceUsage.Staging;
                    texture2DDescription.OptionFlags = SharpDX.Direct3D11.ResourceOptionFlags.None;
                    texture2DDescription.BindFlags = SharpDX.Direct3D11.BindFlags.None;

                    using (SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2D texture = new SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2D(backBuffer.Device, texture2DDescription))
                        backBuffer.Device.ImmediateContext.CopyResource(backBuffer, texture);

                        using (SharpDX.DXGI.Surface surface = texture.QueryInterface<SharpDX.DXGI.Surface>())
                            SharpDX.DataStream dataStream;
                            SharpDX.DataRectangle map = surface.Map(SharpDX.DXGI.MapFlags.Read, out dataStream);
                                byte[] pixelData = new byte[surface.Description.Width * surface.Description.Height * 4];
                                int lines = (int)(dataStream.Length / map.Pitch);
                                int dataCounter = 0;
                                int actualWidth = surface.Description.Width * 4;

                                for (int y = 0; y < lines; y++)
                                    for (int x = 0; x < map.Pitch; x++)
                                        if (x < actualWidth)
                                            pixelData[dataCounter++] = dataStream.Read<byte>();

                                GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(pixelData, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                                    using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(surface.Description.Width, surface.Description.Height, map.Pitch, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, handle.AddrOfPinnedObject()))
                                    if (handle.IsAllocated)


                this.capture = false;
    catch(Exception ex)

    return hook.original(thisPtr, syncInterval, flags);


Turns out the DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM format is in this bit format:



And Format32bppArgb is in this byte order:


So the final loop code would be:

while (pixelIndex < pixelData.Length)
    uint currentPixel = dataStream.Read<uint>();

    uint r = (currentPixel & 0x3FF);
    uint g = (currentPixel & 0xFFC00) >> 10;
    uint b = (currentPixel & 0x3FF00000) >> 20;
    uint a = (currentPixel & 0xC0000000) >> 30;

    pixelData[pixelIndex++] = (byte)(b >> 2);
    pixelData[pixelIndex++] = (byte)(g >> 2);
    pixelData[pixelIndex++] = (byte)(r >> 2);
    pixelData[pixelIndex++] = (byte)(a << 6);

    while ((pixelIndex % map.Pitch) >= actualWidth)
Proteolysis answered 29/6, 2016 at 19:59 Comment(0)

That screenshot does look like R10G10B10A2 is getting stuffed into R8G8B8A8. I haven't tested your code but we should have this bit layout

xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy zzzzzzzz wwwwwwww

and you can extract them as follows

byte x = data[ptr++];
byte y = data[ptr++];
byte z = data[ptr++];
byte w = data[ptr++];

int r = x << 2 | y >> 6;
int g = (y & 0x3F) << 4 | z >> 4;
int b = (z & 0xF) << 6 | w >> 2;
int a = w & 0x3;

where r, g, b now have 10 bit resolution. If you want to scale them back to bytes you can do that with (byte)(r >> 2).


This would replace your double for loop. I have no way of testing this so I don't want to push it further, but I believe the idea is correct. The last check should skip the padding bytes in each row.

while(dataCounter < pixelData.Length)

    byte x = dataStream.Read<byte>();
    byte y = dataStream.Read<byte>();
    byte z = dataStream.Read<byte>();
    byte w = dataStream.Read<byte>();

    int r = x << 2 | y >> 6;
    int g = (y & 0x3F) << 4 | z >> 4;
    int b = (z & 0xF) << 6 | w >> 2;
    int a = w & 0x3;

    pixelData[dataCounter++] = (byte)(r >> 2);
    pixelData[dataCounter++] = (byte)(g >> 2);
    pixelData[dataCounter++] = (byte)(b >> 2);
    pixelData[dataCounter++] = (byte)(a << 6);

    while((dataCounter % map.Pitch) >= actualWidth)

Consultation answered 11/7, 2016 at 21:11 Comment(15)
wow thanks finally somebody is able to help me. so how would i go about and loop through this? just a for loop where x < width * height of image?Proteolysis
not quite, our x's are different. You would loop over ptr: for(int ptr = 0; ptr < data.Length;) {...} If needed I can adapt your code.Consultation
I cant test today unfortunately. could you adapt my code to make sure ive got it right?Proteolysis
see the update. you're gonna have to do the testing though since I don't have your whole code (or Ark, for that matter).Consultation
I will try to make time to try it out tomorrow. thanks alot for your answer! I will report back as soon as i have results.Proteolysis
As an afterthought, it would be easier to just read one int instead of 4 bytes.Consultation
also wouldnt shifting 2 bits to the right result in a loss (obviously) but shouldnt i for example scale it like so: (value / 1023) * 255?Proteolysis
yes, and that loss is unavoidable if you want to save 10 bit with 8 bit. Your calculation (value * 255 / 1023) would do the same. notice value / 1023 == 0 for integers.Consultation
for integers below 1023, I mean.Consultation
Yeah I know, but first parsing them to float and then do the calculation? I know there is always a loss but simply shifting them 2 bits to the right would be divide by 4 I think if my memory of bit shifting is correct? That seems like a quick and dirty way to scaleProteolysis
You can convert to float and back all you want, 8 bit is 8 bit. Change your output format if you want more precision. Regarding your (v * 255 / 1023), test it! It maps 3 to 5 input values to one output value each, so it's not consistent precision over the entire range. (v >> 2) is a consistent four-to-one mapping and the shortest code. It's quick and clean.Consultation
btw (v * 255 / 1023) is common practice for floating point values, that's where you probably got that from. for integers, it's less precise and much slower than bitshift.Consultation
I just tested it and it still comes out rainbowy. replaced my for loops with your exact code. :(Proteolysis
Any difference though? Any insight when debugging? Apparently one of your assumptions doesn't hold, maybe it's not R10G10B10A2. I tested the snippet I gave you and it does just what you asked it to do. Honestly I think by now you could appreciate my effort and mark it as an answer, too.Consultation
maybe you're getting BGRA instead of RGBA. Common pitfall, too.Consultation

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