I'm writing my thesis with Bookdown in Rmarkdown (and I will export it to PDF format eventually). To hand in my thesis, I am required to include a few scanned documents with handwritten signatures BEFORE the first page of my thesis.
Bookdown is amazing in combining different Rmd files, but I have not managed to include a PDF document BEFORE the title page.
I have tried this:
in_header: preamble.tex
before_body: beforebody.tex
With in preamble.tex :
and in beforebody.tex:
\includepdf[pages={5}, scale=1]{OfficialFrontpages.pdf}
However, then it first creates the Bookdown titlepage, and only inserts these pages before the Table of Contents. Is there any way to force this document to be included BEFORE the first page of the final PDF document?
Inclusion of these commands as the lines of the first .Rmd files also doesn't work: