worker Questions



I run multiple gunicorn workers with workers=4 setting. So as I understand I have 5 different processes: one gunicorn master process and 4 other worker processes. Can I get information about which ...
Thormora asked 6/1, 2016 at 9:23


We are running our production system on Elastic Beanstalk. We want to be able to take advantage of EBS' worker tiers with autoscaling. Unfortunately, due to how Laravel queue processing works, Lara...


I'm writing a Jest test and am having trouble resolving this import which uses webpack's worker-loader import ImageInfoWorker from 'worker-loader?name=image_info!@WORKERS/image-info'; I have som...
Calabrese asked 2/3, 2017 at 22:53



What are the implications of disabling gossip, mingle, and heartbeat on my celery workers? In order to reduce the number of messages sent to CloudAMQP to stay within the free plan, I decided to fo...
Bono asked 19/3, 2019 at 20:6


I created a node js project that utilizes worker threads. The code works fine when I run npm start in VS Code. But when build and copied in Ubuntu server, it show "Cannot find module 'worker_thread...
Readymix asked 9/6, 2020 at 10:56



The application I deploy is FastAPI with Uvicorn under K8s. While trying to understand how I want to Dockerize the application I understood I want to implement Uvicorn without Gunicorn and to add a...
Heterologous asked 26/10, 2022 at 10:14



I want to sort an array, using Web Workers. But this array might receive new values over time, while the worker is still performing the sort function. So my question is, how can I "stop" the sorti...
Kan asked 1/2, 2019 at 11:4



Is there any rule of thumb or any logical relation between maxProcesses, number of supervisors and the total number of queues in laravel horizon? What if I have 15 supervisors and 40 queues (each s...
Needful asked 27/1, 2023 at 19:21


nginx.service failed because the control process exited $ systemctl status nginx.service nginx.service - Startup script for nginx service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; e...
Knotts asked 8/3, 2016 at 13:39


I have recently started working on distributed computing for increasing the computation speed. I opted for Celery. However, I am not very familiar with some terms. So, I have several related questi...
Allure asked 10/1, 2016 at 14:34


All information about using Configuation starts with creating builder and var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); subsequnetly using builder.Configuration. configuration ,but in Worker ...
Choochoo asked 4/1, 2022 at 2:21



Is there an alternative way to add the "AddHttpClient()" setting in the .NET 6 Worker Service template? In Minimal APIs for example we have available: var builder = WebApplication.CreateB...
Kary asked 3/6, 2022 at 21:34



I came across an issue in my code base where a job was being terminated early while its timeout was set to 540 seconds. However after looking in the documentation I noticed it was an issue with the...
Tenacious asked 7/3, 2021 at 16:0



I have .NET Core 3+ worker service that checks "some stuff" every 10 seconds. At one point, it "randomly" stopped doing that and I am not sure why. So far it happened twice and ...
Gunnel asked 24/6, 2020 at 8:38


I am implementing a Quarkus server. On server start, a (never ending) background process should be started. I know I can observe the start event with an @ApplicationScopedbean which implements: vo...
Wifehood asked 19/3, 2020 at 15:27



I am implementing NestJS worker, queues, using Bull. According to the documentation, both the worker and the server (will) run in a same "process", but I want to run the worker in a separ...
Lepidote asked 5/12, 2021 at 0:41



My task in general I need to listen to a Postgres tables changes (CRUD) done e.g. via a database manager like DBeaver and pass updated rows id's to a laravel-driven API enpoint. What I have Postgre...
Liguria asked 17/4, 2020 at 3:24



I'm working with the new Worker Service app template with .NET Core 3.0 Preview and am trying to add event logging using the AddEventLog method. However, I cannot see any of my logs via the Event V...
Leucocytosis asked 8/7, 2019 at 20:5


I am trying to get some logging information on WorkManager Workers that i have running in my app. I am using version 2.4.0-alpha01 which uses the new diagnostics added by the Android Framework Team...
Lahnda asked 25/4, 2020 at 16:17



I am using the Flask-Mail library for my Flask application to send a default welcome email to the user when they sign up to be added to the newsletter. After debugging the library I found that it c...
Aerography asked 3/8, 2020 at 19:17



This is more of a service worker question, although it could be more specific to Sapper. I really don't know, as I am the first to admin I struggle with Service Workers, have barely used them, and ...
Thusly asked 10/2, 2020 at 17:59


I'm writing code that need to run only when there is no human activity on the PC, like when the screensaver is running. Any suggestions on how to do this in c++ under windows? @talnicolas, simply ...
Burley asked 11/1, 2012 at 14:6



Im trying to deploy a very simple bot to heroku but I cant set the worker dyno because it doesnt show up on the dashboard, even though I have a Procfile with just one line it: worker: node app.js
Brecciate asked 5/2, 2019 at 0:19


node v10.16.3 I was running an worker_threads example from node official doc. I made some changes as want to test share variables. Here is an example work-thread.js const { Worker, isMainThrea...
Duplex asked 21/8, 2019 at 16:58


I am using a worker manager to upload videos along with a notification. When the user tries to upload a video again with an ongoing upload worker job the notification for the second upload is not s...
Palmerpalmerston asked 7/9, 2020 at 12:34

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