typescript-generics Questions
I have a case where I'm frequently checking both the value of a boolean and another union type together. While they're logically connected and could hypothetically just check one, I need to check b...
Langston asked 3/11, 2021 at 20:5
In our codebase we've been using T.lean() or T.toObject() and our return types would be LeanDocument<T>. Mongoose 7 no longer exports LeanDocument, and the existing migration guide suggests u...
Zed asked 11/5, 2023 at 11:49
I was just wondering if there is a way of handling this with generics than using any for the following.
I am still trying to wrap my head around the types and generics, just wanted to stay clear of...
Sullen asked 7/8, 2020 at 11:4
Click for Playground
<template #activator="{ onClick, ...slotProps }">
@click="(e: PointerEvent) => onClick(e, {...
Hibernicism asked 10/7, 2024 at 10:47
Say I have an interface:
interface Applicative<T> {}
Now I want to define a function f that:
takes a function and takes a type U extending an Applicative wrapping Any
and returns a U wrappi...
Imphal asked 30/11, 2015 at 8:47
I am trying to make the most efficient reusable wrapper for React-Select possible using typescript and formik, but I get a typescript error that says "type 'true' is not assignable to type 'fa...
Bott asked 5/4, 2024 at 2:53
I am using several enums as global parameters.
enum color {
'red' = 'red',
'green' = 'green',
'blue' = 'blue',
enum coverage {
'none' = 'none',
'text' = 'text',
'background' = 'background'...
Burkhardt asked 13/9, 2021 at 9:39
I have a constant array of strings e.g.
const emojis = ['π', 'π', 'π', 'π', 'π£'] as const
And I want to have a type that contains a union of the indexes of that array e.g.
type emojiIndexes =...
Narcolepsy asked 24/3, 2021 at 17:18
I have a type like this:
type City = {
name: string;
id: number | null;
And want to turn it into a type like this:
type City = {
name: string;
id?: number;
I have seen plenty of posts e...
Keitel asked 8/5, 2022 at 21:30
Having this example:
interface Event {
fromDate: Date;
toDate: Date;
location: {
name: string;
lat: number;
long: number;
Using a type something like...
Subpoena asked 22/3, 2021 at 17:39
Hi I've a basic example where I keep getting this error and I am not sure what exactly the problem is.
Basically I want to pass different types to class A at runtime. In the given example it's Orde...
Cretin asked 25/3, 2021 at 16:50
Playground link
I have these general definitions:
type Module<P extends Payloads, C extends Children> = {
payloads: P;
children: C;
type Children = Record<string, any>; // some va...
Frizzy asked 31/12, 2021 at 22:19
I'm hitting this wall since days now and I'm not sure anymore if I'm the problem or if typescript is broken...
I defined a generic class with the generic extending Record<string, string>:
Osteoclasis asked 7/5, 2022 at 7:0
found the code first in http://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html#example-1
and then found this similar code in typescript codebase:
Samaniego asked 5/12, 2019 at 3:47
I have an API/function that is intended to be used only with generic type arguments (it enforces the shape of an argument based on a generic parameter). I want to prevent calling the API without a ...
Bise asked 2/3, 2019 at 4:50
I've tried to create a PojoDocument<T> generic type to guard from leaking mongoose documents out of our DALs.
My goal was to make sure the returned object is not a mongoose Document, but a PO...
Moisture asked 18/6, 2023 at 11:45
I have a function with the following parameter:
const handleAccount = (
account: Partial<IAccountDocument>,
) => { ... }
In no way can I change the interface for IAccountDocument to...
Cavan asked 19/4, 2022 at 13:54
I have a Select component that accepts an array of options. Each option can be an object of anything as long as it has the following attributes id and text
So I typed it like this:
type SelectOptio...
Hospitalization asked 31/12, 2021 at 13:3
I'm trying to model my data in Typescript in the following manner. Main focus is the type MessageHandler that maps the type in a message with a callback that accepts that message. I followed the ha...
Honey asked 6/5, 2023 at 10:12
I've been trying to create a type that consists of the keys of type T whose values are strings. In pseudocode it would be keyof T where T[P] is a string.
The only way I can think of doing this is ...
Ijssel asked 4/2, 2019 at 16:46
I cannot get the type of a generic method in a class, trying to do that results in a parse error.
class MyClass<T extends string> {
public myMethod<U extends string>(arg: U): [T, U] {
Thunell asked 21/3, 2023 at 8:28
I am trying to write a custom useQuery hook to fetch a list of exercises. The hook should also accept an optional select function. In the case where the optional select function is provided, the ty...
Toole asked 12/3, 2023 at 12:0
Given the following:
enum FooKeys {
FOO = 'foo',
BAR = 'bar',
I'd like to make an interface like this one, but instead of defining keys by hand, build it out of enum's values.
interface Foo...
Before asked 13/3, 2019 at 12:41
How do I rewrite this without overload signatures, using conditional types instead?
function foo(returnString: true): string;
function foo(returnString: false): number;
function foo(returnString: ...
Jany asked 19/7, 2018 at 21:40
I have a case where I want to "merge" types where the default type joining (i.e. T | U or T & U) doesn't achieve what I want.
What I am trying to make is a deep and smart type merge that will ...
Yahairayahata asked 22/3, 2020 at 2:7
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