reducers Questions



I have a reducer whereby I am retuning the appropriate state when an action is dispatched. Now I am calling an API at regular intervals so the result will trigger an action again and again. So what...
Cleanse asked 25/10, 2016 at 8:58



I'm currently learning React and I am trying to figure out how to use it with Redux for building a mobile app. I'm kind of confused on how the two are related/usable together. For example, I comple...
Rossetti asked 14/4, 2016 at 19:1



Haven't been able to find anything around here regarding this error: "Store does not have a valid reducer. Make sure the argument passed to combineReducers is an object whose values are reducers...
Nereus asked 4/4, 2016 at 16:22



is it possible to dispatch an action in a reducer itself? I have a progressbar and an audio element. The goal is to update the progressbar when the time gets updated in the audio element. But I don...
Hippodrome asked 19/4, 2016 at 22:44



Code speaks better than language, so: ['a', 'b', 'c'].reduce((accumulator, value) => accumulator.concat(value), []); The code is very silly and returns a copied Array... TS complains on conc...



I have a ReactJS app with filters and use a RESET function for resetting those filters. What I also use: Redux, Redux Persist and React-router-dom. If I have a look at the Redux Devtools, it seem...
Fogbound asked 26/5, 2020 at 9:53



I am designing a profile page for my site using ReactJS. Now my question is how do I upload the image from local machine and save it to the database and also displaying it in the profile page imp...
Whereto asked 15/5, 2019 at 12:49



Using Redux in React I'm having a warning that the default parameters should be last default-param-last. on the line where I created the const warehouse. is there wrong on how I created the code? o...
Algeciras asked 8/6, 2020 at 9:49


I am wondering how can I return object of the same type as reducer function: function storeReducer( state = INITIAL_APPLICATION_STATE, action: Actions ): ApplicationState { switch (action.type)...
Downstage asked 24/2, 2019 at 15:0



I'm not a Javascript expert so I wondered if anyone has an "elegant" way to combine multiple reducers to create a global state(Like Redux). A function that does not affect performance when a state ...
Shirley asked 5/12, 2019 at 17:54



In this project I'm using React.createContext() methode to manage the state. I can access to the state data by importing the Context.Consumer and using this consumer in the return methode of the c...
Wendolynwendt asked 29/11, 2020 at 14:11


My action creator is not calling my reducer. Any help will be much appreciated. types.js export const SELECTED_FOOD = 'selected_food'; index.js (action creator / action) import { SELECTED_FO...
Parnell asked 12/3, 2017 at 2:24



When using react-devtools it tells me that the reason my root component re-renderd was because hooks changed? when I remove any useSelectors, my root component renders only once, when enabled it re...
Edan asked 2/10, 2020 at 21:47


I am trying to find out how to design the NgRx store when the server response is paginated. if we keep only 1 page at the time in the store then what is the point of using NgRx at all? if we keep...
Angleworm asked 15/5, 2020 at 6:14


What does the shuffling phase actually do? Possibility - A As shuffling is the process of bringing the mapper o/p to the reducer o/p, it just brings the specific keys from the mappers to the parti...
Ic asked 4/6, 2017 at 6:5


I have an application without redux, I handle the global state with hooks and the hook useReducer + context. I have 1 useReducer which makes like a Redux store. But to do this I can only send 1 red...
Magi asked 10/4, 2019 at 19:55



I've built a global state provider context, and a reducer with the useReducer Hook. I'm realizing that combining multiple reducers like I would in redux is problematic. Is there a good way to do th...
Pokorny asked 8/3, 2019 at 19:47


I don't understand what reduce-reducers is meant for. Should it be used in the case that I have 2 reducer functions containing the same action? function reducerA(state, action){ switch(action.ty...
Bobettebobina asked 29/7, 2016 at 7:20



I have a todo list and want to set the state of that item in the array to "complete" if the user clicks on "complete". Here is my action: export function completeTodo(id) { return { type: "COM...
Etymologize asked 7/12, 2016 at 13:20



Overview (simplified): In my NodeJS server I've implemented the following GraphQL schema: type Item { name: String, value: Float } type Query { items(names: [String]!): [Item] } The client...
Fruity asked 16/11, 2017 at 13:50



I am trying my hands on ngrx library for managing the state of my application. I have gone through many ngrx documents and git pages. I understand that there are three important concept: Store Re...
Mccann asked 11/6, 2017 at 5:35


Using ngrx/redux, and following the ngrx example app as close as possible. Now I'm doing this somewhere in the application: get totalItems (): number { return sumBy(this._data.items, '
Chickamauga asked 19/4, 2017 at 7:31


I do not know how to access a boolean isLoading flag from reducerForm.js reducer in reducerRegister.js. I have used combineReducers() and I use isLoading to disable a button during form submit. It...
Cenesthesia asked 15/2, 2017 at 1:37



In this Redux: Colocating Selectors with Reducers Egghead tutorial, Dan Abramov suggests using selectors that accept the full state tree, rather than slices of state, to encapsulate knowledge of th...
Codfish asked 22/12, 2016 at 1:20



I am new to react/redux. I am trying to figure out how all the pieces in redux interact. The one thing giving me trouble is understanding the relation between actions and reducers. When an action i...
Thordis asked 29/11, 2016 at 19:23

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