dumpsys Questions
Suppose If change the battery level to any desired value(say from current 50 to 20)
adb shell dumpsys battery set level 20
Now I want adb command to fetch the current battery level(ie 20).
With th...
How to check if apk is debug or release signed?
Is there any direct adb command to verify apk signature?
Tried the following dumpsys and aapt commands, but I am not able to find the exact flag
I'm using appium for interaction between my Android device and java code. And I faced with problem that on some kind of devices(including emulators) after pressing on Home button, appium return inc...
Thankful asked 28/9, 2016 at 19:36
With the below adb command I am able to get current battery level(as shown in image.
adb shell dumpsys battery | findstr /r /c:level
I am getting response as level: 12
Is there any way to get onl...
I'm looking a solution to determine which fragments are currently visible from dumpsys
I can get info about activities
$ adb shell dumpsys activity | grep -i run
Is there any solution for fragm...
In a rooted Android M device, I want to completely disable deviceidle mode ("Doze"), all the time. Yes, I know this affects my battery life, and that's fine with me.
I know that I can invoke the f...
Winther asked 23/10, 2016 at 15:28
I am currently debugging an application that should auto-start after the device boots. To this end I have created a BroadcastReceiver and added it to my AndroidManifest.xml:
<receiver android:n...
Underbrush asked 10/6, 2016 at 10:54
There are many questions asked regarding output of the "adb shell dumpsys meminfo" like this one:
adb shell dumpsys meminfo - What is the meaning of each cell of its output?
And now we have this ni...
Already I know google denied this dump permission except system applications from version 4.1 and more.
But still I can able to grant this dump permission using following command for debuggable ap...
Mylo asked 9/5, 2015 at 10:55
Im looking for an explanation of result of command "dumpsys cpuinfo" in android shell.
:# dumpsys cpuinfo
Load: 17.78 / 16.97 / 16.29
CPU usage from 35983ms to 21604ms ago:
97% 25268/com.firstpro...
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