commonjs Questions


Is it possible to use react-select directly from the browser without bundlers nowadays? The most recent version that I found to be able to do so was 2.1.2: How to import from React-Select CDN with ...
Psalter asked 10/7, 2020 at 21:29



I'd like to use Typescript for my Google Apps Script (GAS) projects, but I can't find a way to compile my code into something that GAS accepts. GAS doesn't support export, and Typescript seems to...
Scriptorium asked 14/2, 2018 at 16:26


I got this warning, but I dont understand why 'localforage' depends on CommonJS. I had googled for few days, but I can't find any solution that fit with my problems. WARNING C:\xxx\node_modules\@...
Cystectomy asked 1/11, 2022 at 14:40


I need to develop a nodejs application in which it should be possible to dynamically import ESM modules in a commonJS module during the run time. Without requiring the need to specify "type&q...
Cimbalom asked 2/6, 2023 at 7:38



I am trying to load a single ESM module in my TypeScript CJS project. All examples I find are for JavaScript. // example.ts export const example = async () => { const module = await import(&quo...
Barone asked 8/5, 2024 at 9:45



Question: How to import JavaScript files in NodeJS using file paths from project root? (instead of relative file paths) In other words, my team is trying to transition from Syntax Style A to Syntax...
Pneumograph asked 21/3, 2023 at 20:44



I've started using webpack2 (to be precise, v2.3.2) and after re-creating my config I keep running into an issue I can't seem to solve I get (sorry in advance for ugly dump): ERROR in ./src/main.j...
Ornstead asked 27/3, 2017 at 3:40


I am working in NodeJS. I have a great deal of legacy code including several packages that are used in many places. This code is all CommonJS, Node require() module structures. Node now supports ES...
Dracaena asked 24/4, 2021 at 18:38


I have a Node.js project whose modules are imported in the Common.JS way using require. However, the need arose to import a package that is ESM only. One way to use ESM import from in my project wa...
Hulbert asked 19/7, 2022 at 22:59


`#11 44.55 ERROR require() of ES Module /app/node_modules/string-width/index.js from /app/node_modules/wide-align/align.js not supported. #11 44.55 Instead change the require of index.js in /app/n...



Is there any performance advantage or disadvantage of using ES modules over CommonJS modules in a nodejs backend project? I'm asking this because I see a lot of people using CJS still even though n...
Orthopedist asked 7/4, 2022 at 10:39



Calling setTimeout with setImmediate has unpredicted behaviour if using CommonJS modules. But if you switch to ESM ("type": "module" in package.json), it will always execute set...
Maharajah asked 30/12, 2023 at 18:18



I am stuck on a tutorial which is incorporating Tailwind, which in this case is tailwind 3.3.2. Per the tutorial, I am supposed to open a file called tailwind.config.js and paste the below code fro...
Siloam asked 28/6, 2023 at 3:37



I have a number of JavaScript "classes" each implemented in its own JavaScript file. For development those files are loaded individually, and for production they are concatenated, but in both cases...
Vulgarism asked 2/2, 2011 at 0:23


Trying to migrate some old TypeScript code from CRA to Vite, and getting stuck on a problem with Vitest. The project has dependencies like this: my-project (ESM) depends on: lib1 (CJS) depends on...
Wrasse asked 18/9, 2023 at 10:12



I have a create-react-app project I'm migrating to Vite. That project uses "styled-components" like this: import styled from 'styled-components'; const someDiv = styled.div`...`; Now th...
Kingship asked 23/12, 2022 at 10:36


I am trying to get the Leaflet library to play well with my Typescript project. My project follows the commonJs pattern (imports\exports in my source files), but when I build with webpack, the com...
Woermer asked 24/2, 2018 at 8:40



I have a script I am requiring from a Node.js script, which I want to keep JavaScript engine independent. For example, I want to do exports.x = y; only if it’s running under Node.js. How can I per...
Seventh asked 19/11, 2010 at 11:41


I am trying to build a react app with vitejs, the build is successful but when I try to serve it on browser I get this error Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined I have tried all the op...
Deputation asked 17/7, 2023 at 7:45


How do I tell Webpack that it should treat my loader as an ES Module and not CommonJS? My goal is to write a Loader that uses the ES Module syntax (export default...) Demo (not working): https://st...
Magistrate asked 24/8, 2022 at 13:24



I have a decent size project and I need to do a little restructuring. I am using mongoose as my ORM for node. I would like to put all my mongoose models in a folder called 'models'. I have read th...
Winna asked 22/6, 2013 at 3:10


Let's imagine we have a file containing next JS code: process.nextTick(()=>{ console.log('nextTick') }) queueMicrotask(()=>{ console.log('queueMicrotask') }) console.log('console.log') a...
Trescott asked 29/12, 2021 at 11:47


Developing JavaScript in VSCode, I see this error on line const Koa = require("Koa");: File is a CommonJS module; it may be converted to an ES6 module. ts(80001) and after I searched, I...
Uttermost asked 17/6, 2019 at 8:57


I have an express server written in typescript with "module": "es2020" in its tsconfig. I've also developed another es2020 module for my graphql API, still in typescript, and th...


So, I'm attempting to do something which on the surface should be very simple... I have some constants defined in: //constants.js module.exports = { MY_CONSTANT: "TEST" } I have a file...
Bobsleigh asked 13/3, 2019 at 8:27

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