Update : Like haui said in his comment :
Seems like they added something similar in play version 2.6. There you can use import play.api.test.CSRFTokenHelper._
(Scala) and CSRFTokenHelper.addCSRFToken(requestBuilder)
(Java) as explained in the Migration guide
For people who are still in 2.5.6, my answer still apply :
So, after looking in Play-scala classes for a certain time, I finally found a way to adapt this answer : https://mcmap.net/q/1018602/-testing-scala-play-2-2-1-controllers-with-csrf-protection to Play 2.5.6
I even made a trait, so if someone need it one day, here it is :
import play.api.Application
import play.api.test.FakeRequest
import play.filters.csrf.CSRF.Token
import play.filters.csrf.{CSRFConfigProvider, CSRFFilter}
import scala.language.postfixOps
trait CSRFTest {
def addToken[T](fakeRequest: FakeRequest[T])(implicit app: Application) = {
val csrfConfig = app.injector.instanceOf[CSRFConfigProvider].get
val csrfFilter = app.injector.instanceOf[CSRFFilter]
val token = csrfFilter.tokenProvider.generateToken
fakeRequest.copyFakeRequest(tags = fakeRequest.tags ++ Map(
Token.NameRequestTag -> csrfConfig.tokenName,
Token.RequestTag -> token
)).withHeaders((csrfConfig.headerName, token))
To use it, simply extend your test class with it, like this :
class LoginSpec extends PlaySpec with OneAppPerSuite /* or whatever OneApp */ with CSRFTest
then, instead of calling
val fakeRequest = FakeRequest(/* params */)
simply call
val fakeRequest = addToken(FakeRequest(/* params */))
I tried to make it look like the addToken{} in the Controller :)
and set some headers for bypassing CSRF, like here. Or look at this answer. – Implosion