So, I have more than one version of Java installed on the system (1.7 and 1.6). I need to use 1.6, so, being on Ubuntu, I did an update-alternatives --config java and changed it to the 1.6. Now java -version tells me I'm using 1.6.
So, I'm trying to build using Maven. If I do a mvn clean install, I end up with the following error:
[ERROR] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6
/path/to/[32,7] error: SomeResultSetStub is not abstract and does not override abstract method <T>getObject(String,Class<T>) in ResultSet
I did some looking for that error, and it seems like I need to set some kind of BootClassPath somewhere, but I can't seem to find very explicit instructions for doing so.
Can anyone guide me through resolving the error?