I came up with another solution to rerun just failed test using maven & cucumber.
1) Record test failures using a RunNotifier
public class RerunningCucumber extends Cucumber {
private final String className;
public RerunningCucumber(Class clazz) throws InitializationError, IOException {
className = clazz.getSimpleName();
public void run(RunNotifier notifier) {
notifier.addListener(new RunListener(){
public void testFailure(Failure failure) throws Exception {
Throwable error = failure.getException();
if (error instanceof AssertionError){
//Nothing. This is a normal failure. Continue
//No! A wild exception has appeared!
//Let's run this test again.
private static final String filename = "target/rerun.properties";
private static final Set<String> addedClasses = new HashSet<String>();
public static synchronized void addFile(String className) throws IOException{
//First find the file
if (addedClasses.contains(className)){
File file = new File(filename);
if (!file.exists()){
//Need to create the file
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(file, "UTF-8");
else {
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file, true)));
2) Use custom class as a runner for the cucumber tests.
This will run the tests, and whenever there is a failure, output the failed class to a file. Trick is to keep features short and create a lot of test classes to avoid repeating tests.
@CucumberOptions(features = {"classpath:features/testFeature.feature}, format = {
tags = {"@testFeature"})
public class RunTestFeature {
3) Add a Rerun
profile to maven.
This does three things: 1) it loads the failed classes into memory, 2) cleans JUST the failed classes properties file, and 3) reruns ONLY the failed tests as loaded from the properties file:
<!-- Associate the read-project-properties goal with the initialize
phase, to read the properties file. -->
<echo>Retrying the following classes: "${retryclasses}"</echo>
4) Usage
First test run:
mvn clean test
Next test runs:
mvn clean test -Pretry
mvn clean test -Pretry
mvn clean test -Pretry
You can repeat as many times as you want until there are no errors.