Similar problem - I could resolve it by installing identical deb file for unsion on both PC - and deleting some files. In fact I decided to install the deb-File I have on my Laptop also on the PC, where I have a different distro. This has to be done bypassing apt/synaptics, using dpkg. - And same has to be done for unsion-gtk. So what saved me was downloading those both deb-Files, I have allready installed on my Laptop. In my case this were unison_2.48.4-1+b1_amd64.deb and unison-gtk_2.48.4-1+b1_amd64.deb . I installed them in a terminal with
sudo dpkg -i unison_2.48.4-1+b1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i unison-gtk_2.48.4-1+b1_amd64.deb
On both, Laptop and PC, i did remove in the hidden folder ".unison" (in my home directory) all files, with a filename starting with "fp...", that are created after I had updated laptop A to a newer version of ubuntu.
To make sure my PC wont "upgrade" unison and unison-gtk I created a file with filename "unison" in the folder /etc/apt/preferences.d/ an wrote this text into my file "unison":
Package: unison
Pin: version 2.48.4-1+b1
Pin-Priority: 1000
Package: unison-gtk
Pin: version 2.48.4-1+b1
Pin-Priority: 1000
Now. everything works fine.
More background info to that hack: