I have about 110,000 images of various formats (jpg, png and gif) and sizes (2-40KB) stored locally on my hard drive. I need to upload them to Azure Blob Storage. While doing this, I need to set some metadata and the blob's ContentType, but otherwise it's a straight up bulk upload.
I'm currently using the following to handle uploading one image at a time (paralleled over 5-10 concurrent Tasks).
static void UploadPhoto(Image pic, string filename, ImageFormat format)
//convert image to bytes
using(MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
pic.Save(ms, format);
ms.Position = 0;
//create the blob, set metadata and properties
var blob = container.GetBlobReference(filename);
blob.Metadata["Filename"] = filename;
blob.Properties.ContentType = MimeHandler.GetContentType(Path.GetExtension(filename));
I was wondering if there was another technique I could employ to handle the uploading, to make it as fast as possible. This particular project involves importing a lot of data from one system to another, and for customer reasons it needs to happen as quickly as possible.