I've got a problem with class-scope aces. I've created an ace for a class like this :
$userIdentity = UserSecurityIdentity::fromAccount($user);
$classIdentity = new ObjectIdentity('some_identifier', 'Class\FQCN');
$acl = $aclProvider->createAcl($classIdentity);
$acl->insertClassAce($userIdentity, MaskBuilder::MASK_CREATE);
Now, I'm trying to check the user's permissions. I've found this way of doing things, which is not documented, but gives the expected results on a class basis :
$securityContext->isGranted('CREATE', $classIdentity); // returns true
$securityContext->isGranted('VIEW', $classIdentity); // returns true
$securityContext->isGranted('DELETE', $classIdentity); // returns false
This method is well adapated to the "CREATE" permission check, where there's no available object instance to pass to the method. However, it should be possible to check if another permission is granted on a particular instance basis :
$entity = new Class\FQCN();
$securityContext->isGranted('VIEW', $entity); // returns false
This is where the test fails. I expected that an user who has a given permission mask on a class would have the same permissions on every instance of that class, as stated in the documentation ("The PermissionGrantingStrategy first checks all your object-scope ACEs if none is applicable, the class-scope ACEs will be checked"), but it seems not to be the case here.