I installed new version of MSysGit and now I am not able to run *.bat files directly from command line("called MINGW64").
I try to search it, but I only saw options which needs run cmd first.
Out of a git console: how do I execute a batch file and then return to git console?
cmd "/C clean.bat"
Is there some option to just run the clean.bat
Thank you very much
I solve that by updating all libraries... Maybe Cygwin? I am not sure, but update all your software and it works.
;!cmd.exe /c
? Other than that, no, there probably isn't a way to do what you're asking. – Dowagerclean.bat
– Amundbash
alias instead of using a batch file? Or make aclean
alias that will runcmd /c clean.bat
. – Jaguarundi