From Oracle G1 GC blog and technetwork article
Young GC:
The collection set of the Young GC includes only young/survivor regions.
Mixed GC:
The collection set of the Mixed GC includes both young/survivor regions, but also old regions.
Humongous Objects and Humongous Allocations
For G1 GC, any object that is more than half a region size is considered a "Humongous object". Such an object is allocated directly in the old generation into "Humongous regions". These Humongous regions are a contiguous set of regions.
Dead Humongous objects are freed at the end of the marking cycle during the cleanup phase also during a full garbage collection cycle.
In-order to reduce copying overhead, the Humongous objects are not included in any evacuation pause. A full garbage collection cycle compacts Humongous objects in place.
Generally a Full GC cleans the entire Heap – both Young and Tenured spaces (old gen)
On a different note, you have to worry about how much time "application threads were stopped" irrespective of GC type : Young GC or Full GC etc.
Generally Full GC cleans entire Heap
answers my question. Thanks! – Zel