I had the exact same issue in my project.
I have tried redux-saga, it seems that it's really a sensible tool to control the data flow with redux on side effects. However, it's a little complex to deal with the real world problem such as duplicate requests and handling relationships between data.
So I created a small library 'redux-dataloader' to solve this problem.
Action Creators
import { load } from 'redux-dataloader'
function fetchPostsRequest() {
// Wrap the original action with load(), it returns a Promise of this action.
return load({
function fetchPostsSuccess(posts) {
return {
posts: posts
function fetchCommentsRequest(postId) {
return load({
postId: postId
function fetchCommentsSuccess(postId, comments) {
return {
postId: postId,
comments: comments
Create side loaders for request actions
Then create data loaders for 'FETCH_POSTS' and 'FETCH_COMMENTS':
import { createLoader, fixedWait } from 'redux-dataloader';
const postsLoader = createLoader('FETCH_POSTS', {
success: (ctx, data) => {
// You can get dispatch(), getState() and request action from ctx basically.
const { postId } = ctx.action;
return fetchPostsSuccess(data);
error: (ctx, errData) => {
// return an error action
shouldFetch: (ctx) => {
// (optional) this method prevent fetch()
fetch: async (ctx) => {
// Start fetching posts, use async/await or return a Promise
// ...
const commentsLoader = createLoader('FETCH_COMMENTS', {
success: (ctx, data) => {
const { postId } = ctx.action;
return fetchCommentsSuccess(postId, data);
error: (ctx, errData) => {
// return an error action
shouldFetch: (ctx) => {
const { postId } = ctx.action;
return !!ctx.getState().comments.comments[postId];
fetch: async (ctx) => {
const { postId } = ctx.action;
// Start fetching comments by postId, use async/await or return a Promise
// ...
}, {
// You can also customize ttl, and retry strategies
ttl: 10000, // Don't fetch data with same request action within 10s
retryTimes: 3, // Try 3 times in total when error occurs
retryWait: fixedWait(1000), // sleeps 1s before retrying
export default [
Apply redux-dataloader to redux store
import { createDataLoaderMiddleware } from 'redux-dataloader';
import loaders from './dataloaders';
import rootReducer from './reducers/index';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
function configureStore() {
const dataLoaderMiddleware = createDataLoaderMiddleware(loaders, {
// (optional) add some helpers to ctx that can be used in loader
return createStore(
Handle data chain
OK, then just use dispatch(requestAction) to handle relationships between data.
class PostContainer extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
const dispatch = this.props.dispatch;
const getState = this.props.getState;
dispatch(fetchPostsRequest()).then(() => {
// Always get data from store!
const postPromises = getState().posts.posts.map(post => {
return dispatch(fetchCommentsRequest(post.id));
return Promise.all(postPromises);
}).then() => {
// ...
render() {
// ...
export default connect(
state => ()
NOTICE The promised of request action with be cached within ttl, and prevent duplicated requests.
BTW, if you are using async/await, you can handle data fetching with redux-dataloader like this:
async function fetchData(props, store) {
try {
const { dispatch, getState } = store;
await dispatch(fetchUserRequest(props.userId));
const userId = getState().users.user.id;
await dispatch(fetchPostsRequest(userId));
const posts = getState().posts.userPosts[userId];
const commentRequests = posts.map(post => fetchCommentsRequest(post.id))
await Promise.all(commentRequests);
} catch (err) {
// error handler