I have a class named Product
in class library project. I am using SubSonic SimpleRepository
to persist objects. I have a method as follows in Product
public static IList<Product> Load(Expression<Func<Product, bool>> expression)
var rep=RepoHelper.GetRepo("ConStr");
var products = rep.Find(expression);
return products.ToList();
I'm calling this function like this:
private void BindData()
var list = Product.Load(x => x.Active);//Active is of type bool
rptrItems.DataSource = list;
Calling Load
from BindData
throws the exception:
variable 'x' of type 'Product' referenced from scope '', but it is not defined
How can I resolve this.
EDIT:- by stepping through SubSonic
code I found that the error is thrown by this function
private static Expression Evaluate(Expression e)
if(e.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant)
return e;
Type type = e.Type;
e = Expression.Convert(e, typeof(object));
Expression<Func<object>> lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(e);
Func<object> fn = lambda.Compile(); //THIS THROWS EXCEPTION
return Expression.Constant(fn(), type);