About two months ago we started using Rollbar to notify us of various errors in our Web App. Ever since then we have been getting the occasional error:
ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded
The thing that confuses me about this is that we are not using ResizeObserver
and I have investigated the only plugin which I thought could possibly be the culprit, namely:
But it doesn't appear to be using ResizeObserver
What is also confusing is that these error messages have been occuring since January but ResizeObserver
support has only recently been added to Chrome 65.
The browser versions that have been giving us this error are:
- Chrome: 63.0.3239 (ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded)
- Chrome: 64.0.3282 (ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded)
- Edge: 14.14393 (SecurityError)
- Edge: 15.15063 (SecurityError)
So I was wondering if this could possibly be a browser bug? Or perhaps an error that actually has nothing to do with ResizeObserver
ResizeObserver has a mechanism to avoid infinite callback loops and cyclic dependencies
. Did you update the dependency to element-resize-detector (dependency of aurelia-resize) recently? Seems that one had an update in January.. – Freitagwindow.ResizeObserver = undefined;
at the start of your application to just disable the ResizeObserver. Not the best solution of course, but just reverts it back to what it was when it worked.. – Freitagaurelia-resize
currently uses and older version ofelement-resize-detector
and hasn't been updated. – Montemontefiasconeonerror
. To make matters worse, safari will prevent the message from showing up so you can't even filter it out – AccreteResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications.
(including the period) – Hershelhershell