A couple of weeks ago Dragisa Krsmanovic asked a question here about how to use the free monad in Scalaz 7 to avoid stack overflows in this situation (I've adapted his code a bit):
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
def setS(i: Int): State[List[Int], Unit] = modify(i :: _)
val s = (1 to 100000).foldLeft(state[List[Int], Unit](())) {
case (st, i) => st.flatMap(_ => setS(i))
I thought that just lifting a trampoline into StateT
should work:
import Free.Trampoline
val s = (1 to 100000).foldLeft(state[List[Int], Unit](()).lift[Trampoline]) {
case (st, i) => st.flatMap(_ => setS(i).lift[Trampoline])
But it still blows the stack, so I just posted it as a comment.
Dave Stevens just pointed out that sequencing with the applicative *>
instead of the monadic flatMap
actually works just fine:
val s = (1 to 100000).foldLeft(state[List[Int], Unit](()).lift[Trampoline]) {
case (st, i) => st *> setS(i).lift[Trampoline]
(Well, it's super slow of course, because that's the price you pay for doing anything interesting like this in Scala, but at least there's no stack overflow.)
What's going on here? I don't think there could be a principled reason for this difference, but really I have no idea what could be going on in the implementation and don't have time to dig around at the moment. But I'm curious and it would be cool if someone else knows.
reifies the bind on the heap means that we'd be safe here even if we weren't throwing away that result? – Greywacke