Credit goes to Apple DTS for helping me understand this class. I'm sharing some of the example they helped me with here (modified slightly).
OK, so basically it works like this: subclass UIManagedDocument
, and implement the following methods (where the extraInfo
property is just an NSDictionary implemented on our subclass):
- (BOOL)readAdditionalContentFromURL:(NSURL *)absoluteURL error:(NSError **)error
NSURL *myURL = [absoluteURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"AdditionalInformation.plist"];
self.extraInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:myURL];
return YES;
- (id)additionalContentForURL:(NSURL *)absoluteURL error:(NSError **)error
if (!self.extraInfo) {
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"Picard", @"Captain", [[NSDate date] description], @"RightNow", nil];
} else {
NSMutableDictionary *updatedFriendInfo = [self.extraInfo mutableCopy];
[updatedFriendInfo setObject:[[NSDate date] description] forKey:@"RightNow"];
[updatedFriendInfo setObject:@"YES" forKey:@"Updated"];
return updatedFriendInfo;
- (BOOL)writeAdditionalContent:(id)content toURL:(NSURL *)absoluteURL originalContentsURL:(NSURL *)absoluteOriginalContentsURL error:(NSError **)error
if (content) {
NSURL *myURL = [absoluteURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"AdditionalInformation.plist"];
[(NSDictionary *)content writeToURL:myURL atomically:NO];
return YES;
will call these methods when it needs to, automatically saving whatever you need to save to the document package inside an AdditionalContent
If you need to force a save, simply call the following on your UIManagedDocument
[self updateChangeCount:UIDocumentChangeDone];
At present, I'm not using this for images and videos — but the example should give you enough to go off.