What I'm trying to do is count how many moves it takes to get to the goal using the shortest path. It must be done using a breadth first search. I put the 8x8 grid into a 2d array which is filled with one of four chars, E for empty (can move into these spots), B for blocked (can't move here), R for robot (starting point), or G for goal. The algorithm had to check for movable spaces in the order up, left, right, then down, which I believe I've done correctly. After a node is checked it changes its contents to a 'B'. If the goal cannot be reached, 0 should be returned.
I have changed my code to implement what Kshitij told me, and it works beautifully. I was just too tired to see that I wasn't initializing my queue after every new data set lol. Thanks for the help!
public static int bfSearch(){
Queue <int []> queue = new LinkedList <int []> ();
int [] start = {roboty,robotx,0};
while (queue.peek() != null){
int [] array = queue.remove();
if(array[0]-1 >= 0 && grid[array[0]-1][array[1]] != 'B'){
if (grid[array[0]-1][array[1]] == 'G'){
return array[2]+1;
grid[array[0]-1][array[1]] = 'B';
int [] temp = {array[0]-1, array[1], array[2]+1};
if(array[1]-1 >= 0 && grid[array[0]][array[1]-1] != 'B'){
if (grid[array[0]][array[1]-1] == 'G'){
return array[2]+1;
grid[array[0]][array[1]-1] = 'B';
int [] temp = {array[0], array[1]-1, array[2]+1};
if(array[1]+1 <= 7 && grid[array[0]][array[1]+1] != 'B'){
if (grid[array[0]][array[1]+1] == 'G'){
return array[2]+1;
grid[array[0]][array[1]+1] = 'B';
int [] temp = {array[0], array[1]+1, array[2]+1};
if(array[0]+1 <= 7 && grid[array[0]+1][array[1]] != 'B'){
if (grid[array[0]+1][array[1]] == 'G'){
return array[2]+1;
grid[array[0]+1][array[1]] = 'B';
int [] temp = {array[0]+1, array[1], array[2]+1};
return 0;