This answer is indirectly related to this question:
In my case textView1.setTextView("done…");
was showing some box/chinese character. Later, I checked into
for what the value represents and I found this is a Han character.
So, what to do? I searched for " ellipse character" and then everything became clear to me once I saw its values are;
UTF-16 (hex) 0x2026 (2026)
UTF-16 (decimal) 8,230
So, you have several encoding available to represent a character (e.g. 10 in Decimal is represented as A in hexa) so it is very important to know when you are writing an unicode character, how receiving function decodes it. If it decodes as decimal value then you have to provide decimal value, if it accept hexadecimal then you have to provide hexadecimal.
In my case, setTextView() function accepts decimal encoded value but I was providing hexadecimal values so I was getting wrong character.