Recently the google search console reported a coverage issue on our ASP.NET website for the urls pointing to PDF documents.
So far in our web.config file we don't have any MIME setting for PDF documents. But indeed, both on localhost and in production, in Chrome, in mobile context PDF url generate empty content with the message no enabled plugin supports this MIME type
In Desktop context the PDF document is opened directly in Chrome.
Updating the web.config file with that (below) leads to the same described behavior, both in mobile and desktop contexts.
<remove fileExtension=".pdf" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".pdf" mimeType="application/pdf" />
Updating the web.config file with that (below) forces the browser to download the PDF in both contexts.
<remove fileExtension=".pdf" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".pdf" mimeType="application/octet-stream" />
So far this is the best solution since it allows mobile users to get the PDF and this will fix the google warning.
However I'd like to open the PDF in the browser itself in desktop context and download it in mobile context. Is it possible?