I just started Front-End-Developing and wanted to use Frameworks to make it more simple. So, I discovered Tailwindcss. However, tailwindcss requires my server to have node.js and npm in order to install it and i cant really install these packages on my server. Thats why I wanted to ask if you can use Frameworks, like Tailwindcss or React, without installation. I then later discovered a website called "skypack", where all those packages can be used without installation. Now, in my HTML-File, where I wanted to install Tailwindcss, I have the following written:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="module">
import tailwindcss from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pin/[email protected]/mode=imports/optimized/tailwindcss.js';
<div class="bg-sky-400 aspect-square"><p>test paragraph</p></div>
Unfortunately, the css isn't applied on the paragraph. Did I import it wrong? Does skypack work at all? And are there other ways to implement Frameworks without npm?