I have an API that set user settings. Because neither of inputs are mandatory I want to check first if the value exists and then set it to the model attributes in order to avoid null values.
$this->InputValidator->validate($request, [
'firsname' => 'string',
'lastname' => 'string',
'email' => 'email',
'mobile_phone' => 'string',
'address' => 'string',
'language' => 'string',
'timezone' => 'string',
'nationality' => 'string',
'profile_photo' => 'url'
$userInformation = new UserInformation([
'firstname' => $request->input('firstname'),
'lastname' => $request->input('lastname'),
'email' => $request->input('email'),
'mobile_phone' => $request->input('mobile_phone'),
'address' => $request->input('address'),
'profile_photo' => $request->input('profile_photo')
Specificaly when one of inputs is not existin I dont want to pass it to the model. Also I dont want to make inputs required
will return true even iffirstname
is null. Maybe it is laravel version thing, im using 5.8 – Paine