We are using spring-security 5.2 for securing our REST API through JWT validation.
With the spring:security:oauth2:resourceserver:jwt:jwk-set-uri
property we indicate the remote JWKS endpoint which
translates into Spring creating a NimbusJwtDecoder based on this URI.
Further down, a RemoteJWKSet object is created that caches the calls to the JWKS endpoint with a default TTL to 5 minutes.
Is there a way to increase this TTL to minimise the remote calls ?
Maybe injecting a new DefaultJWKSetCache
instance somewhere with a different TTL ?
It seems safe to keep this in cache for as long as possible because when we receive a token with an unknown kid, the call to the JWKS endpoint will be resumed to update the key set.
The call stack for retrieving the key is bellow
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication)
jwt = this.jwtDecoder.decode(bearer.getToken())
public Jwt decode(String token)
Jwt createdJwt = createJwt(token, jwt);
private Jwt createJwt(String token, JWT parsedJwt)
JWTClaimsSet jwtClaimsSet = this.jwtProcessor.process(parsedJwt, null);
public JWTClaimsSet process(final JWT jwt, final C context)
if (jwt instanceof SignedJWT) {
return process((SignedJWT)jwt, context);
public JWTClaimsSet process(final SignedJWT signedJWT, final C context)
List<? extends Key> keyCandidates = selectKeys(signedJWT.getHeader(), claimsSet, context);
private List<? extends Key> selectKeys(final JWSHeader header, final JWTClaimsSet claimsSet, final C context)
if (getJWSKeySelector() != null) {
return getJWSKeySelector().selectJWSKeys(header, context);
public List<Key> selectJWSKeys(final JWSHeader jwsHeader, final C context)
List<JWK> jwkMatches = getJWKSource().get(new JWKSelector(jwkMatcher), context);
public List<JWK> get(final JWKSelector jwkSelector, final C context)
JWKSet jwkSet = jwkSetCache.get();
if (jwkSet == null) {
jwkSet = updateJWKSetFromURL();
public JWKSet get() {
if (isExpired()) {
jwkSet = null; // clear
return jwkSet;
Security dependencies:
+- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security:jar:2.2.4.RELEASE:compile
| +- org.springframework.security:spring-security-config:jar:5.2.1.RELEASE:compile
| \- org.springframework.security:spring-security-web:jar:5.2.1.RELEASE:compile
+- org.springframework.security:spring-security-oauth2-jose:jar:5.2.2.RELEASE:compile
| +- org.springframework.security:spring-security-core:jar:5.2.1.RELEASE:compile
| \- org.springframework.security:spring-security-oauth2-core:jar:5.2.1.RELEASE:compile
+- com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt:jar:8.8:compile
| +- com.github.stephenc.jcip:jcip-annotations:jar:1.0-1:compile
| \- net.minidev:json-smart:jar:2.3:compile (version selected from constraint [1.3.1,2.3])
| \- net.minidev:accessors-smart:jar:1.2:compile
| \- org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:5.0.4:compile
+- org.springframework.security:spring-security-oauth2-resource-server:jar:5.2.1.RELEASE:compile