I figured this out and the steps are as follows:
Added following check in the configure function in wscript file. This tells the script to check for the given library file (libmongoclient in this case), and we store the results of this check in MONGOCLIENT.
conf.check_cfg(package='libmongoclient', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='MONGOCLIENT', mandatory=True)
After this step, we need to add a package configuration file (.pc) into /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig path. This is the file where we specify the paths to lib and headers. Pasting the content of this file below.
Name: libmongoclient
Description: Mongodb C++ driver
Version: 0.2
Libs: -L${libdir} -lmongoclient
Cflags: -I${includedir}
Added the dependency into the build function of the sepcific program which depends on the above library (i.e. MongoClient). Below is an example.
mobility = bld( target='bin/mobility', features='cxx cxxprogram', source='src/main.cpp', use='mob-objects MONGOCLIENT', )
After this, run the configure again, and build your code.