I am using the C3 JavaScript library for the display of graph data. When my page initially loads, the graphs are hidden. It isn't until a "tab" on the page is selected that the graphs display.
The trouble I am seeing is that my first graph doesn't fit its containing div tag when first loaded. I can change the date range I'm viewing data for by clicking a button, at which time the graphs will be correctly sized.
Here is the relevant HTML that I'm using for the graphs (notice that I am using AngularJS, in case that helps/hinders things at all):
<div class="chartgrouping">
<div ng-show="showGraphSection" class="graphA">
<h2 class="section-main-heading">Data A</h2>
<div id="dataAChart" class="chart c3"></div>
<div ng-show="showGraphSection" class="graphB">
<h2 class="section-main-heading">Data B</h2>
<div class="stats">
<div class="highest-value">Data Breakdown<span>{{percentageOfSubstance}}%</span></div>
<div class="goals">GOAL: 20%</div>
<div id="dataBChart" class="c3" style="max-height: 320px; position: relative;"></div>
The initial, incorrect display (the first graph stretches the entire way across):
And the correct result after loading new data, after the first result (above) has been displayed:
Is there a good solution to this problem?